February 11, 2016
A few weeks back, my mom mentioned in a conversation that she was looking for pictures from one of my recent trips, and said, “luckily I could find you on …
July 5, 2015
Media Dissociation, Internet Use, and Antiwar Political Participation: A Case Study of Political Dissent and Action Against the War in Iraq “Structural equation modeling revealed that the more the individuals …
June 27, 2015
Question #1: Think about the concept of gatekeeping, the media, and the internet. How do you use the internet to bypass mass mediated forms of news and information? What do …
June 20, 2015
Module 6 LDP: Isolation and Addiction Question #1: Given what we’ve learned today about social theories of mass communication, how do you perceive the media? Social? Isolationist? Offer debate points …
June 13, 2015
Intimacy in Social Media Unpredicated tweets – love this concept. Interesting perspective that “social media is a low-bandwidth form of communication.” “When we lose these social cues, we also lose …
May 23, 2015
Propaganda Is the New Frontier for Fake Social Media Accounts http://mashable.com/2014/07/22/propaganda-fake-social-media-accounts/ The idea of using fake social media accounts to spread information appears at first like the next iteration of …
March 23, 2015
This week’s subject of online reputation management is both of interest and certainly a topic that I’ve been included in the subject in my professional life. While I can’t go …
November 5, 2014
Instagram is a fast-growing social media channel for brands to not only share product images, but a chance to share brand essence. Share 3 of your favorite brands on Instagram. …
September 10, 2014
As we get into editing images/composing images, let’s discuss a bit about the ethical side of PhotoShop. After reading this week’s online articles on this topic, answer: Why do you …