January 26, 2015
The value of Search Engine Optimization (SEO) can be tremendous for a website of any size. However, knowing how to properly implement and maintain is key to ongoing success from this source of consumers.
As the internet continued to grow and expand connecting more and more computers and networks together with data transferring at the speed of light, the need and ability to locate information across the web of information also increased. The first Search Engine as we know it was intended to help archive and locate information, and was titled, “Archie.” It was developed by a college student and launched in 1990 (hard to believe, only 25 years ago when many of us were in grade school). While engines have come and gone, Google continues to lead the pack with Bing and Yahoo! following respectively (January 2015).
The value of SEO for a business’ websites can be tremendous, with organic search generating upwards of two-thirds of a site’s traffic (Conductor, July 2014), it can be a tremendous amount of money left on the table. If a website hasn’t been properly optimized, that’s traffic potentially being sent to competition.
The challenge for a business is executing correct, accurate SEO on their sites, and dedicating time and resources to thinking and planning for SEO as new content is developed. It’s very easy for a company or brand to hire an “SEO guru” that will completely optimize a website and guarantee results through link-backs and other shady practices. True SEO is a craft and should be properly maintained as search algorithms evolve and adapt to ward off poor content for their consumers.
Google’s video from this week’s readings highlights the necessary value of taking the consumer’s intention, mindset and the value of the content you create into consideration thereby connecting for the best end-to-end experience.The simple argument of “content is king” still holds true and through proper tagging and presentation on a website, can generate significant growth and performance via organic search. Keyword analysis, metadata, and strong content relationships with other sites also assist to blend and generate the best online experience.
MMC5427, Search Engine Optimization, SEO, SEO Craft,