

January 1, 2018

Last year, I started Yoga Teacher Training (YTT) and needed a new notebook for classes to capture notes, concepts, journaling, etc. I’d planned on picking up a $1 to $2 simple, spiral-bound notebook at Target. But after perusing the school supply aisle, this $10 hardback version caught my eye and was immediately purchased.

Yoga JournalThe cover text spoke directly to me, not just the words but even the adventure to which I was about to embark resonated so perfectly with its advice. Additionally, as a bit of a font nerd, the playfulness of the serif and san serif fonts with varying weights while maintaining consistent leading.

After YTT started and I caught myself dwelling on the words, phrases, advice, I decided to take each one and write about it; reflecting on its personal impact.

With that, I present this 15-part mini-blog on my notebook’s sage advice.

I look forward to where each takes me in my own personal journey, both within YTT and my personal life. Please feel free to provide feedback, share your thoughts or own connections with each.

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Post Tags:

Intro, Journal, Journaling, Yoga Teacher Training, YTT,