
Digital Advertising Dilemma


April 11, 2017

In the past few weeks, reports of ad networks serving up paid advertising before or during, at best, questionable content has given the online advertising industry and its buyers pause. …

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Facebook Falling Out of Favor

Facebook Newsfeed

March 20, 2017

Last week I was reading an industry article about Facebook’s recent attempts to steal everything that is Snapchat, and almost unapologetically. It referenced a report about how personally generated, original …

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Reacting to Facebook

February 26, 2016

By now, I’m sure you’ve heard of the launch, seen the changes, or have used the new Facebook Reactions that went live this week. In the event you’re not an …

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Module 4 Week 4 Discussion Post

September 17, 2015

Read Tobacco Marketing on the Internet then support or refute the following proposition: Given the broad access that minors have to pornography on the Web, it is hypocritical to have laws …

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Module 3 Week 3 Discussion Post

September 12, 2015

A perennial controversy in audience effects is behavioral targeting on the Web.  If you are not certain you know what that is, then read this article: (Links to an external …

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Module 10 Week 10 Lecture Discussion Post

July 19, 2015

In our first research paper this week, we look at the effect of Internet advertising within the travel industry in purchase attitude and intent. This particular study directly relates to …

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When Retargeting Goes Wrong

January 11, 2014

Ever search or shop online for an item or just browse only to find after you’ve completed your search, or exited the site, that the very items or sites you …

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